2023 Black History Month Scholarship Winners Announced
为了纪念黑人历史月,im体育., 和FMC社区基金会很高兴向我们服务地区的12名当地非裔美国高中生颁发奖学金,他们表示希望参加高等教育机构并主修与健康相关的研究领域.
祝贺这些学生,他们将获得1000美元的奖学金,以表彰黑人历史月和纪念玛丽·伊丽莎·马奥尼, 她是美国第一位接受过专业训练的黑人护士. Kizzmekia Corbett, Viral Immunologist and Research Scientist, 谁在创纪录的时间内研发出COVID-19疫苗的研究工作中发挥了核心作用.
提拉美女 是马里昂县高中的一名大四学生,并计划进入东肯塔基大学专攻临床心理学. She has participated in marching band, canned food drives, highway litter clean up, and has been a member of a church youth group for 13 years. 泰拉是国家荣誉协会的一员,喜欢阅读、写作和吹小号.
Taliya斯伯丁 是马里昂县高中的高三学生,也是贝塔俱乐部的一员, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), 家庭, im体育, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), and the National Honor Society. 她喜欢下棋、听音乐、旅游和写作. Taliya plans to attend Bluegrass Community & 技术学院,目标是成为一名职业治疗师.
塞西莉亚琼斯 is a senior at Martha Layne Collins High School. Throughout high school, she has competed in varsity softball and football, 获得年度巨人奖和进步最大球员奖. Cecilia participated in β俱乐部, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Club, National Honor Society, and the Link Crew Program. 她也是谢尔比县历史协会的志愿者. 塞西莉亚计划进入田纳西大学,从事物理治疗或医疗保健助理的职业.
Makiya McNear, 如图所示, senior at Frankfort High School, is a member of the National Honor Society, β俱乐部, Spanish National Honor Society, 学生会, 和Y俱乐部. She has received several awards including 4.0荣誉榜, Making a Difference Everyday (MADE), Sources of Strength, Gear Up Ambassador, honors in English and Algebra, 并被选中参加休·奥布莱恩青年领导力培训. Makiya喜欢参加南法兰克福长老会教会青年团, 阅读, 烘焙, and making visual boards using Pinterest. 她计划进入肯塔基大学,成为一名有执照的专业临床咨询师.
Jazmin钱伯斯 is a senior at Franklin County High School. 她是2021-2022年肯塔基州青年礼炮计划的参与者,也是2023年俄亥俄州全明星, 俄亥俄州和肯塔基州最优秀的高中篮球运动员. 她参加过大学篮球、排球比赛,也是法国俱乐部的一员. 她喜欢参加教堂的团体,唱歌,艺术,绘画和绘画. 贾兹敏已经被肯塔基州的几所学校和大学录取,并计划成为一名物理治疗师或超声波技师.
LaMya Wordlow 是巴兹敦高中的高年级学生,并计划进入路易斯维尔大学成为一名护士. 她曾参加排球比赛,并参加美国健康职业学生俱乐部(HOSA)和国际青少年乐观主义者. LaMya enjoys 阅读 and 烘焙.
Sakrya奴才 是安德森县高中的一名高三学生,并且在大一的时候就获得了学术奖项, 二年级学生, 初级, 和高级. 她整个高中都参加过校队排球比赛. Sakrya计划进入路易斯维尔大学,专注于物理治疗和运动训练的研究.
阿里安娜·坡 是约翰·哈丁高中的四年级学生,并计划进入路易斯维尔大学成为一名医生. She has participated in Feeding America. 泰拉在A-B荣誉榜上名列前茅,喜欢旅行和拼图.
Amiah摩西 是约翰·哈丁高中的一名大四学生,也是“供养美国”组织的成员, Pep俱乐部, and is active in youth ministry. 她是注册护理助理(CNA)和心肺复苏术认证. Amiah enjoys working, 阅读, and shopping. 她计划进入路易斯维尔大学(University of Louisville)从事护理工作.
Nakhyia史泰登 is a senior at Warren East High School. Throughout high school, she has participated in track and field, Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) Club, Black History Month planning, and the Green Dot Program. Nakhyia喜欢教主日学、乐队舞、赞美舞和摄影. 她计划进入西肯塔基大学学习,目标是成为一名儿科医生.
肯德拉科, senior at Cumberland County High School, is a member of the varsity basketball team, β俱乐部, Pep俱乐部, 家庭, im体育 and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), and Fellowship of Christian Athletes. 她曾获得包括KHSAA学术奖在内的多个奖项, A-B荣誉榜, and the Lady Panther Most Improved Award. Kendra enjoys, volunteer work, and traveling. 她计划去路易斯维尔大学学习儿科护理或放射学.
一个'Nivyah皮尔森 是沃伦东高中的一名大四学生,并计划进入西肯塔基大学成为一名护士. She has competed in basketball and track & field and has been recognized as Raider of the Month. A’Nivyah enjoys participating in the multi-city choir.
The FMC Community Foundation, 是一个非营利组织, 支持组织,其使命是通过外展服务满足CFMC服务范围内个人和社区的身心健康需求, 订婚, and monetary assistance. The Foundation focuses on several items including providing assistance and opportunities for students interested in pursuing a healthcare career; enabling students to make healthy decisions through increased education and resources; and increasing access to everyday necessities. FMC社区基金会是CFMC的重要合作伙伴组织,致力于改善和支持我们的患者和社区的整体健康状况和健康机会.